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General terms of business




The present General Terms of Business (the “GTB”) regulate the relations between the Parties to the Service Agreement consisting in making an information phone call with the Provider’s employee (the “Agreement”). This Agreement is made by and between SCH - EKONOM s.r.o., Reg. No. 648 32 694, whose registered office is at 350 02 Cheb, Obrněné brigády 553/31, as the service provider (the “Provider”) of the one part, and the client (the “Client”), of the other part.


The Client means an individual or a legal entity.





Concluding the Agreement

  1. A proposal for concluding the Agreement means the placement of the offered service by the Provider at (the “Website”). The Agreement is considered to be concluded by the Client’s booking of a date for the phone call on the Provider’s Website and making an advance payment with a card to the Provider’s account using a payment gateway. The Provider will promptly confirm the conclusion of the Agreement for making an information phone call to the Client with an informative email sent to the email address provided by the Client (the “Contact Email”).

  2. By booking a date for the phone call, the Client accepts the present GTB and the Provider’s current price list. The Provider’s current price list is available on the Provider’s Website and is also sent to the Client’s Contact Email after the order is submitted.

  3. The Provider reserves the right to refuse an order for the reasons on the part of the Provider (full utilisation of the Provider’s capacity, conflict of interests, apparent impossibility to provide the services, etc.). The Provider shall promptly notify the Client thereof via the Contact Email. Sending the information email also constitutes the withdrawal from the Agreement, which cancels the Agreement from the beginning.

  4. The present GTB are available on the Provider’s Website.

  5. The ordered service will be delivered to the Client for the price given in the price list, valid when sending the order or ordering the service.



Subject Matter of Agreement and its Provision

  1. The Provider agrees to make a qualified information phone call with the Client lasting 30 minutes at the maximum, whose purpose is to establish material information from the Client necessary to prepare an offer for providing services to the Client consisting in tax and economic counselling, and the Client agrees to pay a fee for this information call according to the current price list.

  2. Based on this information call, the Provider can send the Client a written offer for specific tax and economic counselling services, specifying their type and price. The mandate contract is concluded between the Provider and the Client only upon paying the fee for tax and economic counselling services. The first invoice for providing tax and economic counselling will be reduced by the price of the information phone call.

  3. The Provider reserves the right not to provide the Client with ordered services if the Provider registers any unpaid claim from the Client or any other Client obligations towards the Provider, with which the Client agrees.



General Provisions

  1. The Provider agrees to make the information phone call in a due, timely and professional manner.

  2. The Client agrees to provide the Provider with complete and accurate information and data needed for the due and timely provision of services.




  1. This Agreement is concluded for a definite period, i.e., until the completion of the information phone call.

  2. The Client may terminate this Agreement only before commencing the information phone call by sending an email to the Provider requesting service cancellation. If the Agreement is not cancelled in advance, the Provider has the right to compensation for the reserved time of the Provider’s employee and a fee in the amount of the price of making the information phone call.




  1. Any and all information obtained during or in connection with the performance of the Agreement is confidential, and its content is subject to the confidentiality obligation applicable to both Parties. If the confidentiality is breached, the Defaulting Party is liable for the damage caused to the other Party.

  2. The Client shall maintain all facts they learned as part of the service provision as secret and confidential.





If necessary, the Client may contact the Provider by email at




  1. The Client may assert claims arising from the liability for defects in the provided services with respect to the Provider.





  1. When providing tax counselling services, the Provider processes personal data within the meaning of Regulation EU No. 2016/679 (the “GDPR”). Under the GDPR, the Provider is the Processor, and the User is the Controller. 

  2. During the service provision for the Controller, the Processor agrees to process personal data as follows: 

  3. The Processor agrees to process personal data for the Controller for the purpose of providing tax counselling services. 

  4. The Processor may not process personal data in conflict with or beyond this purpose and the present terms of business.

  5. The Processor agrees to process personal data for the Controller also while providing subsequent tax and economic counselling. When the provision of counselling services is terminated, the Processor must deliver such information to the Controller and delete such information from its repositories unless the Processor has a duty to save personal data under a special law (tax file) and unless the Processor has agreed with the Client otherwise.

  6. The Processor agrees to safeguard personal data processing, in particular as follows:

  7. Personal data is processed in compliance with laws and regulations.

  8. The Processor agrees to safeguard the processed personal data using technical and organisational measures to prevent any unauthorised or incidental access to the data, its modification, destruction or loss or another abuse. Also, the Processor must ensure that all personal data Processor’s duties arising from laws and regulations are continuously discharged, both from the personnel and organisational perspective, during the personal data processing.





  1. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Czech Republic. Any and all disputes arising from this Agreement or in connection therewith, including disputes regarding its validity, interpretation or cancellation, will be resolved by Czech courts.

  2. The Provider informs the Client about the authority having the competence for the out-of-court settlement of disputes: Česká obchodní inspekce (Czech Trade Inspection Authority), Štěpánská 44, 110 00 Praha 1.

  3. These GTB are valid and effective from 1 January 2024.

  4. The Provider reserves the right to amend these GTB and the price list of services. Therefore, the Client shall always become familiar with the current price list of services before ordering the service.

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